When winter, the body can appear a lot of discomfort is what reason?

Core tip: in winter, when the weather gets cold, the whole body seems to be about to cross. Someone once said it was blood, really?

Neck ache, dizziness, cold hands (everyone who touched my hands will say how it is so nice), purple fingernails (the weather is a little bit cooler will be like this), the skin on the body a little touch will feel very painful.

In winter, the plants wither and the insects lurk. It’s the season when all things in nature are closed, and people’s Yang Qi should also hide in it. Therefore, the basic principle of health preservation in winter should also be “Tibetan”. Since the body’s Yang Qi is closed, the metabolism of the human body is relatively low. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the “kidney”, the motive force of life, to play its role to ensure that life activities adapt to the changes of nature. In winter, if the kidney function is normal, it can adjust the body to adapt to the changes in the severe winter, otherwise, it will cause metabolic disorders and diseases. Therefore, winter health is very good

The important point is “nourishing kidney and preventing cold”. The following points are the main points of implementing this principle.

Mental maintenance: in addition to paying attention to keeping mental quiet, we should learn to regulate bad emotions in times when the spirit is hidden inside. When we are in a state of tension, excitement, anxiety, and depression, we should restore psychological calm as soon as possible. At the same time, we should prevent the occurrence of seasonal affective disorder in winter. The so-called seasonal affective disorder refers to some people in winter prone to emotional depression, laziness, drowsiness, and other phenomena, and appear year after year. This phenomenon is more common in young people, especially in women. The way to prevent it is to bask in the sun for a longer time, which is a natural therapy for mood.

Diet maintenance: the basic principle of health preservation in winter should be “heat storage”. Therefore, the foods that should be eaten more in winter include mutton, dog meat, goose, duck, radish, walnut, chestnut, sweet potato, etc. At the same time, we should also follow the principle of “less salty food, more bitter food”: when the kidney meridian is vigorous in winter, the kidney dominates the salty, and the heart governs the bitter. When the salty taste is too much, it will make the kidney water which is already hyperactive more hyperactive, thus weakening the power of heart Yang. Therefore, we should eat more bitter food to help the heart, Yang. In winter, we should avoid sticky and cold food, because this kind of food belongs to “drink”, which is easy to damage the Yang Qi of spleen and stomach.

Daily health care: “Huangdi Neijing” points out: “lie early and get up late to wait for sunlight.” It means to go to bed early and get up late in winter. The best time to get up is after the sun comes out (especially for the elderly). In winter, we should pay attention to the following points: first of all, we should pay attention to the “clothing climate”, which means that the temperature between the inner layer of clothes and the skin should always be kept at 32 ℃ – 33 ℃. This ideal “clothing climate” can buffer the invasion of the cold climate on the human body. Secondly, we should pay attention to keep feet warm. Because the foot is farthest from the heart, the blood supply is little and slow, so the skin temperature of the foot is the lowest. According to traditional Chinese medicine, cold feet will inevitably affect the internal organs, which can lead to diarrhea, irregular menstruation, impotence, low back, and leg pain, and other diseases. Third, regular window ventilation in winter is conducive to health. Fourth, it is not advisable to sleep under a veil. In winter, sleeping with the head covered is very suitable to cause chest tightness and shortness of breath due to lack of oxygen. Fifth, avoid holding urine at night. As a result of a long winter night, hold urine for a long time, can make toxic substances accumulate and cause cystitis, urethritis, and so on.

Exercise: as the saying goes: “winter move, less disease; winter lazy, drink a bowl of medicine.” It has been proved that taking part in outdoor activities in winter can make the body receive appropriate cold stimulation, accelerate heartbeat, deepen respiration, strengthen metabolism in the body, and increase the heat produced by the body, which is beneficial to health.



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