What vegetable does menstruation eat good

 What vegetable does menstruation eat good: cauliflower, carrot

Before and after menstruation, due to the influence of hormone secretion and physical discomfort, women often have some bad mood changes. Vitamin B6 can help to synthesize neurotransmitters that enhance mood and maintain emotional stability. Cauliflower, carrots, and other foods are rich in vitamin B6. Women’s proper eating can provide a large amount of vitamin B6 for the body and help stabilize their emotions.

Recommended recipe: Stir-Fried Cauliflower

Materials: 1 cauliflower, 100g carrot, 5 Auricularia auricula, 2 garlic slices, 1 green garlic, the proper amount of soup, oil, soy sauce, and flour.


1. Cut the cauliflower into small pieces after cleaning, peel the carrot, cut the flower slices, soften the black fungus with water, then remove the pedicle, add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce to grasp evenly, wash it with water again, tear it into small pieces, flatten the garlic, and cut the green garlic into sections.

2. Heat oil pan, saute garlic, add carrot slices, stir fry until soft.

3. Put cauliflower into oil and saltwater, boil water until 5 mature, pour in cauliflower, stir fry evenly, pour in black fungus, stir fry evenly.

4. Add the right amount of thick alcohol soup, stir fry evenly, add a little water, cover and cook for 10 minutes.

5. Pour in a little soy sauce, water starch, stir fry evenly, add green garlic, stir fry evenly.

What vegetable does menstruation eat good

2、 What vegetable does menstruation eat good: spinach

Some women will have chest discomfort during menstruation, breast distending pain. Spinach is rich in vitamin E, which reduces the production of prostaglandins, a substance that causes a range of premenstrual pain. Eating spinach can effectively supplement vitamin E and help relieve pain.

Recommended recipe: spinach pig liver soup

Materials: spinach 125 g, pig liver 125 g, lard 10 g, ginger 5 g, green onion 5 g, salt 3 G, pea starch 3 G, monosodium glutamate 1 g.


1. Choose to wash spinach, wash spinach in boiling water for a moment, remove astringency, and cut into sections.

2. Wash the fresh pork liver and cut it into thin slices. Mix the sliced pork liver with salt, monosodium glutamate, and water starch.

3. Wash the scallion and ginger, cut the scallion into sections, beat the ginger, and boil the clear soup (broth and chicken soup can also be used).

4. Add ginger, scallion, lard, etc. in boiling soup, and cook together.

5. Cook for a few minutes, add the pork liver slices and spinach, and cook until the pork liver slices and spinach are cooked.

What vegetable does menstruation eat good: pumpkin

Due to endocrine reasons, women are prone to acne during menstruation. Menstrual women can eat some pumpkin, pumpkin is rich in zinc, zinc can reduce skin oil secretion, reduce the chance of infection.

Recommended recipe: Pumpkin tomato soup

Materials: 300g tomato, 1 pumpkin, 1 carrot, 1 Fuji apple, 800g water, 1 tbsp honey.


1. Remove the flesh of the pumpkin, peel the apple, and cut the carrot into small pieces.

2. Add enough water to pumpkin and carrot, heat, and cook.

3. Bring to a boil, turn to a simmer for 10 minutes, add the apples, and bring to a boil.

4. Add the tomatoes, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer for 10 minutes. When the temperature of the soup drops to 80 degrees, pour in a big spoon of honey.

What vegetable does menstruation eat good

4、 What vegetable does menstrual period eat good: soybean kind

Some women are always hungry and have a strong desire for food. Before the intake of more calcium-containing foods such as soybeans can reduce the sense of hunger, because at this time the secretion of estrogen increases, preventing calcium from being dissolved in the blood.

Recommended recipe: soybean lotus root and spare ribs soup

Materials: 50g soybean, 200g pork chop, 50g lotus root, 25g coriander, 5g salt, 3GG chicken essence, 5g pepper powder, 20g rice wine, 10g soy sauce, 10g vinegar, 5g scallion, 2G ginger, 20g vegetable oil.


1. Wash the ribs and change them into sections.

2. Peel lotus root, wash, and cut into pieces.

3. Put oil on the fire, when the oil temperature is 50%, stir fry the spareribs, add cooking wine, soy sauce, soup, pepper powder, green onion, ginger, soybean (soybean), refined salt, vinegar, lotus root.

4. After boiling, pour into a casserole, stew until the meat is separated from the bone. Sprinkle the coriander powder into the pot before eating.



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