What food is good for kidney in winter

 Core tips: winter is coming, and the winter solstice is coming soon. Winter is a special season for nourishing, and around the winter solstice is a good time for tonifying. Now the living conditions are getting better and better, many people attach great importance to tonifying, especially paying great attention to tonifying the kidney. Having a good kidney is a kind of blessing. If the kidney is deficient, it needs tonifying. If the kidney is not deficient, some tonifying food can be taken To the effect of strengthening the body, let’s talk about what’s tonifying kidney in winter.

Winter is a good time to tonify. If you do your homework well in winter, you can be stronger when spring and summer come. As the old saying goes, if you take tonic in winter, you can be strong enough to fight tigers in spring. Tonifying kidney in winter is a very important aspect. In fact, tonifying kidney can be achieved by eating some kidney tonifying foods. Here’s what winter is like Western tonifying kidney.

1、 Black rice

It is cold in winter. One of the most important aspects of nourishing the kidney is to actively nourish the kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the five zang organs are closely related to the five elements, and black is the kidney. Therefore, traditional culture believes that black food can have the effect of Tonifying the kidney. Black rice is a very good kidney tonic food, which can nourish yin and kidney, replenish qi and activate blood, warm the liver and improve eyesight Often good kidney tonic effect. Can make black rice porridge to eat, the specific method: after cleaning the black rice into the pot, add appropriate amount of water, boil over high fire, turn to a small fire, cook until the black rice eight is ripe, put longan, continue to cook into thick porridge, can add red sugar seasoning when eating.

2、 Black sesame

Black sesame also has a very good effect of nourishing the liver and kidney. Black sesame contains rich vitamin E, which can play a very good role in delaying aging, strengthening the body and prolonging life. It can be made into black sesame porridge for eating. Stir fry the black sesame into fine powder and reserve it. After the japonica rice is cleaned, it is put into the pot together with the black sesame. After the high fire is boiled, it is turned into the porridge over a low fire. This porridge can nourish the liver and kidney, nourish the five internal organs, especially suitable for the middle-aged and elderly people who are relatively weak, and can prevent premature aging.

3、 Black beans

Black beans can nourish the liver and kidney, promote blood circulation and strengthen the spleen, which has been regarded as a dual-purpose food. People with kidney deficiency often eat some black beans, which can play a good role in tonifying the kidney and Qi. Healthy people who often eat some black beans can also play a role in strengthening the body. The specific method: the right amount of black beans, the right amount of dog meat, put together to boil, after adding a variety of condiments can be eaten, in addition, can also be made of black beans soymilk, tofu and other edible.

What thing invigorate kidney in winter? The above three kinds of food can have the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney. After eating the kidney deficiency, you can tonify the kidney and replenish qi, and the people with kidney deficiency can have the effect of fitness and strengthening body after eating.



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