Four healthy lifestyles

 In life, many people feel that their health is very good, and there is no uncomfortable feeling, especially when they feel young, they will ignore the maintenance of health, overdraft their health in bad lifestyle and behavior habits. In fact, health is like a fortune. Although it can be consumed, it needs continuous savings accumulation.

1. Reasonable diet structure

According to the proportion of the seven nutrients needed by the human body, the effective ingredients in food can enter the human body in a balanced way. Medical experts and nutritionists have put forward the “low fat, low calorie” diet plan, gradually accepted by everyone. It is recommended to eat fresh vegetables, lettuce or fruit every time you eat. The food should be light and light.

2. Reasonable exercise

Before exercise, we should do preparatory activities to make the body gradually transition from a relatively quiet state to an active state; after exercise, we should do some deep breathing and sorting activities after exercise, so as to promote the return of blood, and make other systems and organs recover from the state of intense activity to the normal state.

In addition, it is not advisable to take strenuous exercise immediately after meals. It is generally necessary to exercise after 1 hour after meal, so as not to affect the digestive function; it is not suitable to drink a lot of water after strenuous exercise and sweating, because drinking too much water at a time will increase the circulating blood volume, which will aggravate the burden on the heart and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Exercise plan should be suitable for individual interest and life style, and physical exercise should be regarded as an indispensable part of life.

3. Eliminate fatigue

To make tension and relaxation, work and rest organic combination, that is, work and rest, in order to effectively maintain a healthy state. Secondly, we should live in order. That is, according to the rhythm of the body’s biological clock, to maintain good living rules and habits. If disobeying biological rhythm and disordered daily activities, it is easy to produce fatigue.

In addition, the fatigue can be eliminated by changing activities, and the process of excitation and inhibition of cerebral cortex can be regulated, so as to maintain the homeostasis in the body and make the body and mind rest and relax.

Of course, sleep is especially important. Sleep is the most thorough way to rest. Full and effective sleep can eliminate fatigue, restore and adjust physical strength, enhance metabolism, improve immunity, and ensure effective information processing.

4. Cultivate optimism

Optimism is an important aspect of mental health. Try the following: develop a sense of humor. A sense of humor helps to adapt to society. When a person should be able to face the reality objectively and not to get himself into a state of excitement, he often adopts the method of humor, which can make the originally tense situation more relaxed, make an embarrassing scene disappear in laughter, and increase the experience of happy life.

For a person with mental health, it is helpful to recall positive and happy life experience, which can help to overcome the bad mood state and make the emotion get the opportunity of proper expression. When people are upset and anxious, they may as well find a good friend to talk to and consult a psychologist; finally, they should be good at observing things from different angles. Many of the events that appear to be irritating and extremely sad can be seen from another perspective, and some positive meanings can be found.

A lot of positive health promotion ideas, even though they may sound prosaic, can be different over time. Many healthy behaviors need to be carried out independently, and many unhealthy habits need to be changed in self-discipline. In this way, you will gain a lot of health.



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