Be careful when running at night! Don’t follow suit!

 Running at night, vulnerable to Yang

From the samsara of the four seasons to every day of the human body, it follows the cycle law of the Yin and Yang of Taiji Liangyi. Every day, midnight is the peak of Yin Qi, and then it slowly declines. Yang Qi begins to grow. After a morning, it reaches its peak at noon. It begins to decline in the afternoon. After nightfall, it lurks to prepare for the rebirth after midnight. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that our life depends on Yang Qi, so our daily work and rest should conform to the weather.

Running, a sport that can spread our Yang, should be carried out in the daytime when the Yang is rising. If you still exercise late at night, the Yang that should have been latent cultivation will be excessively consumed, which will make your second celestial body tired, and the slow system will become worse.

If you have to run at night

1. Don’t exercise more than 9 o’clock

For many people who have to go to work, it is not feasible to exercise during the day. Office workers drink some energy drinks just after work at six or seven o’clock, then exercise directly and have dinner after a good rest. If you must exercise after dinner, then eat at least 1.5 hours before you can exercise, otherwise it will cause dyspepsia, severe may also induce appendicitis. The latest exercise time should not exceed 9:00 p.m., and the closer the exercise time is to the day, the better. Because 11:00 p.m. is the limit of staying up late in the concept of health preservation of traditional Chinese medicine. There are two hours of breath adjustment after 9:00 p.m. exercise, which can avoid the excitement caused by exercise from hindering sleep.

2. Exercise only slightly sweating

Why don’t many runners live long? “Because they make a big taboo, that is, they sweat profusely every time they exercise.” Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweat is the body fluid in the body, and “blood and fluid are the same origin”. In Zang Fu organs, the heart controls the whole body’s blood, so there is a saying that “sweat is the heart’s fluid”. Excessive sweating is easy to consume blood, sad Yang, not conducive to health. In addition to athletes and people with good physique, for ordinary people, the intensity of exercise should be slightly sweating. In addition to running, there are many more suitable for night sports. Such as walking, scurrying, Taiji, etc. can generate Yang, but it is most beneficial to Qi and blood.



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