The doctor told you not to stay up late, or it would do harm to your health

Core tip: today’s electronic technology products are constantly updated, and the speed-up of the network has changed from broadband to ultra-high-speed optical fiber, bringing us more advanced visual enjoyment, faster news updates and a broader circle of friends.

Nowadays, electronic technology products are constantly updated, and the network speed-up has changed from broadband to ultra-high-speed optical fiber, which brings us more advanced visual enjoyment, faster news update and wider circle of friends. Many people continue to enjoy the convenience of the Internet after a day’s work. They have not gone to bed at night and become “night owls”! Some night owls are helpless to stay up late and work overtime, while others are in and out of the night clubs to enjoy their nightlife.

The doctor told you not to stay up late, or it would do harm to your health

No matter what kind of night owl you are, you must know that staying up late will only bring harm to our health, or sleep regularly and form a regular work and rest! Even our beloved Xi Dadu doesn’t support staying up late. He mentioned at a forum that he often stayed up late and got sick when he was the Secretary of the county Party committee, and warned everyone not to stay up late. If you still don’t, why don’t you come and listen to the doctor’s explanation about staying up late? Night owl can’t afford to hurt you!

The cardiologist told you not to stay up late!

In recent years, the incidence of myocardial infarction or sudden death in young people is increasing year by year, which makes people feel sorry. Cardiologists point out that the causes of myocardial infarction in young people mostly come from bad living habits, among which staying up late is the most common. From 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., the sympathetic nerve excitability of human body is increased, and the cardiovascular activity is unstable. If it is not in the resting state at this time, it is easy to cause myocardial ischemia, hypoxia and sudden angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. In addition, staying up late for a long time is also a predisposing factor for hypertension. Therefore, do not rely on young overdraft health.

Obstetricians and gynaecologists tell you not to stay up late!

Can night owls know that staying up late has something to do with breast cancer. Obstetricians and gynaecologists pointed out that when women stay up late and are exposed to artificial light for a long time, coupled with mental stress, it will seriously interfere with hormone secretion, and then inhibit the secretion of melatonin in the pineal gland of the brain, and increase the risk of cancer. Chinese medicine students also believe that night Yang Qi is weak and Yin cold Qi is strong. Staying up late for a long time will increase the internal cold Qi in the body, leading to meridian deficiency and blood node, thus inducing the occurrence of breast cancer.

The psychiatrist told you not to stay up late!

Night owls, staying up late not only hurts the body, but also hurts the mind! A study by Ohio State University Medical Center found that staying up late watching computers and TV, or not turning off the computer TV while sleeping, may increase the risk of depression. In addition to depression, long-term staying up late can easily lead to sleep disorders and even neurasthenia. Psychiatrists point out that people’s sympathetic nerve is inhibited at night and excited during the day, while the night owl stays up late and keeps the sympathetic nerve excited all the time. In the daytime, the two diseases mentioned above will appear.

The eye doctor told you not to stay up late!

Many people think that staying up late can make up for the damage to the eyes by sleeping the next day. In fact, it’s not so simple! Ophthalmologists point out that long-term overload of the eye will cause eye pain, dryness, temporary visual loss and so on, and even make dry eye come to the door. What’s more, overwork caused by staying up late for a long time may also induce central retinitis, leading to sudden loss of vision.

The dermatologist told you not to stay up late!

Skin care is the most concerned topic of beauty lovers. If some sesame seeds and mung beans appear on their faces, they will be worried for a while. Dermatologists pointed out that the skin in the evening 10 pm to 2 pm into the state of maintenance, long stay up late will destroy the normal circulation of human endocrine and nervous system. When the nervous system disorders, the skin begins to appear dry, poor elasticity, lack of luster; when endocrine disorders, acne, melasma, black spots will come uninvited, making you hard to resist.

The gastroenterologist told you not to stay up late!

The gastrointestinal tract also needs to rest at night in order to repair the mucosa and adjust the movement rhythm. Digestive doctors pointed out that if often stay up late, disrupt the inherent gastrointestinal work and rest rules, affect the repair and protection of the stomach, so that gastrointestinal function weakened. Over time, people will suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers and so on. In addition, night owls like to eat supper when they stay up late. If the supper stays in the stomach for a long time, it will stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and stimulate the gastric mucosa, leading to the occurrence of gastric mucosal erosion and gastric ulcer.

Why can’t night owls hurt? I believe you can understand the content above. Therefore, from now on, take action immediately, and be sure to go to bed before 12 o’clock every night, so as to keep your body functions in good working condition and reduce the incidence of diseases.



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