Ten tips for office workers to get rid of sub-health

Core tip: with the increasing social pressure, more and more urban white-collar workers join the army of sub-health. However, don’t worry, as long as you open and use the following ten tips to get rid of sub-health, you can get effective ways to get rid of sub-health and make you very healthy in your busy life.

How to get rid of sub-health?

One of the health brochures: eating standing to promote the active operation of intestines and stomach

The stomach is good, the body can maintain vitality for a long time, but in fact, we often unintentionally hurt it when eating. Since we have memory, we have been used to eating by sitting, but in fact, the sitting posture will make the abdomen compressed and block the blood flow so that the amount of blood flow back to the heart will be reduced so that the working stomach will lack sufficient blood supply. Let’s change from now on. Our suggestion is to eat in a relaxed standing posture. The body weight does not have to be concentrated on the legs. The shoulders and waist should be shared. The best time for eating is about 30 minutes. In this way, the pressure on the stomach will be reduced and life will be motivated.

No snoring sleep, healthier heart

People who don’t snore during sleep live three times longer than those who snore, according to an 18-year study in Singapore. This is not alarmist, because snoring is not only a kind of noise caused by blocked breathing during sleep but also a warning signal of hypertension, myocardial infarction, and arrhythmia. Therefore, when serious snoring occurs, we should not simply stop it, but turn to the doctor for help, find out the final reason, and resolve the possible cardiovascular and cerebrovascular crisis.

Health tips 3: use your left hand more to make your brain more active

Active thinking slows down the aging rate of the body. We are used to doing things with our right hand and thinking with our right brain, which leads to unbalanced development of the left and right brain and affects the activity of the whole brain. To this end, from now on, please increase the utilization rate of your left hand. The simplest way is to put all the office supplies you need, such as printers, telephones, and paper, on your left side, and try to hold chopsticks with your left hand when eating, to gradually develop the activity of left-brain thinking.

Adapt to cold air and protect body energy with low temperature

After experiments, American biologists put forward the theory of “low temperature and long life” — if the body temperature can be lowered by 2 ℃ ~ 3.5 ℃, the average life span of the human body can be extended from 70 years to 150 years. Because when the body temperature decreases, the release of life energy will slow down, to reduce the loss of visceral function and naturally extend the “service life” of the body. Therefore, in winter, please increase the ventilation of the family, and try to reduce the use of air conditioning, so that the body temperature decreases moderately with the decrease of the external temperature; in summer, try to use physical methods to reduce the body temperature, to extend the length of life.

Health tips 5: getting up at 7:30 is the best way to calm your heart

We should break the idea that “getting up early helps to live a long life”. Because recently, health experts from the University of Westminster in the UK pointed out that people who get up at 5:22 to 7:21 in the morning will have higher levels of substances causing heart disease in their blood. The time to get up is 7:30, which is really conducive to health and longevity. At this time, the body has experienced a steady transition, has been out of fatigue, and the blood is in a normal circulation state. So if you are used to getting up early, please make yourself lazy. Set the alarm clock at 7:30 to get up at the healthiest time!

No water on a toothbrush, healthier teeth

When brushing teeth, many people are used to moistening the toothbrush first, then squeezing and brushing teeth. However, this will dilute the effective ingredients in the toothpaste. The amount of toothpaste used to clean the mouth is reduced, and the mouth disinfection is not sufficient, so the disease is easy to enter from the mouth. Besides, many people like to gargle only once after brushing their teeth, which is also a health mistake. There will be secondary pollution in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is best to gargle 3 times in one brushing to remove bacteria from the oral cavity at any time.

Health tips 7: standing on one leg in the elevator, body circulation u

This is Wu Junru’s first healthy way – when taking the elevator, he puts his weight on one leg, raises the other leg, and points the sole of his foot to the inner part of the knee of the other load-bearing leg, and alternates with each other at the right time. This simple method can not only thin legs but also make the body in a state of normal circulation, with no blocking phenomenon. Circulation, of course, young body.

Health brocade bag No.8: buy a good bag to help the secretion of the happiness hormone

A German health study shows that if a woman can buy her favorite luxury bag every 1-2 years, she can always feel concerned and enhance her self-confidence. This kind of inner pleasure increases the production of happiness hormones in the body, makes the body circulation more smooth and blood circulation faster! This kind of satisfaction will make women live longer!

Health tips 9: reading upside down to enhance resilience

Recently, the most popular longevity recipe in Japan is to read backward for one hour every day. Because when the text is read upside down, it will increase the recognition ability of the eyes and the brain’s ability to respond, activate brain cells, and keep the brain awake at its best all the time. It should be noted that the best time to read backward is in the afternoon with strong natural light, and the timeline is dark at night, which is easy to lead to the loss of eyesight.

Health tips 10: practice calligraphy and dredge the heart and brain vessels

Mail, QQ, MSN, and skype have made our life paperless, and writing is strange to many people! However, the latest research tells you that slow and steady movements when practicing calligraphy can help improve the function of the human cortex and autonomic nerve, relieve nervous tension, eliminate fatigue, nourish the brain and heart, and help us live a long life.

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