Live a healthy life Sun, 26 Nov 2023 05:21:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Live a healthy life 32 32 230972569 Must wash a face with wash a face milk? Sun, 07 Feb 2021 14:31:00 +0000 One, must wash a face with wash face milk?

The purpose of washing a face is to remove the dirt on the face. If the skin is easy to give oil and goes to dusty places, or the face is made up, you really need to use a facial cleanser to help wash away the dirt. But if it’s like getting up in the morning or not rubbing sunscreen, makeup, even if only wash your face with clean water, it’s enough to wash most of the dirt and dust, so that the dust remains in the skin pores.

And there are certain times when dermatologists may recommend not using facial cleansers for the time being. For example, the climate is dry, especially the face is blown by the wind to some pain, with a clean face can avoid washing to protect the skin grease. Or the skin is inflamed, if be sunburned, fat leakage sex dermatitis, when allergy, wash a face with clear water also can reduce the stimulation to the skin, help inflammation skin self repair.

Wash a face must use wash face milk, what problem does a face need to notice?

Two, what problem does a face need to notice?

1. Proper water temperature

The correct way is to wash your face with warm water, which will open the pores of your face and keep the moisture on your face. Especially in the summer, the weather is hot, do not deliberately wash your face with hot water, are the use of cold water, but also hope that the cooler the better.

2, facial cleanser must be foaming

Cleanser, the most common tool for washing your face, has different benefits, but in any case, don’t use too much of it. When washing, on the palm squeeze cleanser, and then play bubbles, finally in wipe clean the skin on the face, many people ignore this step, or a casual rub, wash a face cleanser no bubbles can’t wait, this not only reach the role of the clean face, also may make cleanser residue in the pore, cause all sorts of acne problem.

3. Massage 15 times

It is best to wipe the face cleanser, gently massage the face, not too hard, otherwise, it will cause wrinkles, adhere to massage 15, you will find that your face will be more and more clean and clean.

4. Rinse cleanser with clean water

After washing your face with a facial cleanser, you need to clean the facial cleanser with warm water. After that, many girls think that the facial cleanser is not clean and they like to wipe it with a towel. This is very bad for your face because there can be bacteria on the towel, which can easily infect your face and cause skin problems.

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What is an endocrine disorder? Wed, 03 Feb 2021 14:35:00 +0000  What is an endocrine disorder?

The endocrine system is an integrated regulatory mechanism that controls and regulates organisms by secreting various hormones. Complementing each other with the nervous system, regulate the growth and development of the organism and all kinds of metabolism together, maintain the stability of the internal environment, and affect behavior and control reproduction. When the human body produces too much or too little of certain hormones, so that the balance of hormones is broken, it is called an endocrine disorder.

What is endocrine maladjusted, what food is endocrine maladjusted to eat better?

What food is endocrine maladjusted to eat better?

Green food: it is the power of hormone, can healthy liver, spleen, let the body good detoxification, maintain hormone secretion balance.

Yellow food: enhance the function of stomach and intestines, can enhance the metabolic function of the body, relieve the problem with weak hormone secretion then.

Fresh fruits and vegetables: Rich in various vitamins, and contain a lot of antioxidants, help regulate the body’s endocrine disorders.

Protein food: help the endocrine system balance, fish is rich in protein, and the amino acid contained in the body is easy to absorb, and then helps the endocrine balance.

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How to care for hair? Sat, 30 Jan 2021 15:29:00 +0000 1、Will the hair grow faster?

Cutting your hair often doesn’t make it grow fast. Generally speaking, hair can grow about 0.8-1.25 cm per month, and each healthy hair will grow about 2-6 years before it falls off.

When you cut your hair, it’s hair, it’s dead cells, so often pruning your hair doesn’t make it grow faster. Pressure, lack of sleep will affect the hair growth period. If you want your hair to grow well, a balanced diet and normal work and rest are more important. However, when the hair is bifurcated and broken, it means that the hair has been seriously damaged. Regular pruning will make the whole hair look healthy and lively.

Will the hair be cut longer and faster? How to care for hair daily?

2、 How to care for hair

1. Choose a shampoo that suits your hair. Shampoo to pick no fragrance, colorless. Many shampoos on the market contain synthetic surfactants, which have strong cleaning power but are easy to hurt the scalp. It’s best to choose weak acid shampoo without pigment, perfume, preservative,s and other additives to reduce the stimulation to the scalp.

2, wash, first comb the hair and scalp dirt (which can reduce the use of shampoo), the amount of shampoo poured into the palm of the water with light rub, after the bubble to touch scalp and hair. Don’t rub your hair too hard when your hands touch your hair, because wet hair is fragile and vulnerable.

3. After washing, generally add conditioner and moisturizer when necessary.

4. Wet hair is fragile and vulnerable, so dry hair should be pressed and patted with dry towel, not rubbed with a towel.

5. The high heat of the hairdryer can damage the hair. When using, the temperature of the hairdryer should be low rather than high. Pay attention to the dripping water and the dry hair should not be dried. When using the hairdryer, it should be 20-30cm away from the hair. At the same time, it should not be blown in one place for a long time. When using hot air blowing to 70% dry, to use cold air blowing, to protect the scalp and stereotypes.

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What are the methods of cycling training that are good for fitness? Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:35:00 +0000 First, the aerobic cycling method

Whether at home or outdoors, if you can maintain the same speed have been riding a bicycle, and maintain more than 30 minutes, you can stimulate the cell energy factory granular glands to increase, beneficial to fat burning, so that the body into a fat-burning constitution.

What are the methods of cycling training that are good for fitness?

Two, the intermittent cycling method

The intermittent cycling method is to use the weight of different pedal resistance to carry on training; After pedaling in light gear for 1 minute, adjust to heavy gear, sprint hard for 1 minute and repeat 8 ~ 10 cycles, or sprint for 4 minutes and then pedal in light gear for 4 minutes, you can repeat 4 ~ 6 cycles. This way of cycling, can consume a lot of calories, burn fat, and can increase the metabolism after exercise, produce the so-called “post-combustion effect”, so that after exercise still maintain the state of fat burning, so if you encounter the stagnation period of weight loss, you can choose the intermittent cycling method breakthrough.

What are the methods of cycling training that are good for fitness?

Three, strength type cycling method

Athletics to improve leg muscle strength or endurance as the goal, according to the terrain, such as uphill, downhill adjustment bicycle gear transmission, with different force to ride, which can effectively improve the strength of the legs or endurance quality, but also can effectively prevent the generation of thigh bone disease. But beware of overuse of muscles, which can easily build up lactic acid, causing soreness or cramps, and not being able to continue riding. Whether the muscle strength is insufficient or overuse, it is possible to cause muscle strain, so that the probability of joint injury is relatively increased.

What are the methods of cycling training that are good for fitness?

Four, instep cycling method

This is a more alternative way of riding a bicycle. Generally, the correct posture of riding a bicycle is to step on the pedal with the sole of the foot, and the center of the foot is a cycling method for patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and want to massage Yongquan point. The way to ride a bike is to use the position of Dongguan point in the middle of the sole of the foot to step on the pedal of the bicycle. When one foot is stepped on, the other foot does not exert any force, and the foot that produces every time tramples 30~ 50 times and then changes the other foot. Besides, when the foot cycling method, because of the strength is relatively large, so the speed of the trample can not be too fast, and if you want to ride a long distance, it is not suitable to use this method of cycling.

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Ice or hot compress for injury Sun, 24 Jan 2021 13:32:00 +0000 1、Ice or hot compress for injury?

Ice should be applied for acute inflammation or just injury, while hot compress should be applied for chronic inflammation or chronic injury.

The effect of ice compress is mainly to reduce the temperature of the ice compress part, which can make the skin and subcutaneous blood vessels contract, reduce the local blood circulation, and achieve the effect of reducing metabolism. Ice compress can also reduce the permeability of blood vessels, which has a good effect on hemostasis and detumescence. Besides, ice compress can also reduce muscle spasms caused by injury and avoid secondary injury of tissue cells.

On the other hand, the effect of hot compress is to increase the temperature, relax the blood vessels and increase the local blood circulation. By increasing the metabolic rate of the injured part, the inflammatory substances can be quickly eliminated from the body and the self-healing ability of the tissue can be improved. Besides, a hot compress can also soften the body, increase the extensibility of soft tissue and reduce joint stiffness, reduce muscle spasm, and achieve the effect of relieving pain and relaxing mood.

Injured ice or hot compress, ice and hot compress should be controlled in how long?

2、How long should ice compress and hot compress be controlled?

For parts of the body with less fat, such as ankles, knees, and elbows, the application time must be shortened, and it is better to turn them up from time to time for inspection; even for parts with more fat, such as thighs or buttocks, the application time should not exceed 20 minutes.

For some special ethnic groups, such as people who feel very sensitive or insensitive (such as patients with diabetes or stroke), and patients with abnormal blood circulation function, ice compress, and hot compress should be used with special care.

If the body has an open wound, or the skin is sensitive to temperature, you should avoid using ice or a hot compress.

In short, if there is obvious redness, swelling, heat, and pain in the painful part of the body, or if it is a definite acute sports injury, don’t doubt it is an ice compress! When the inflamed or injured part is no longer swollen or is no longer so red and hot, you can start a hot compress.

The time of ice compress and hot compress is mainly based on the actual condition of the body, instead of sticking to ice compress a few hours ago and hot compress a few hours later. As long as grasp a principle: red, swelling, heat, pain period is ice compress after that is hot compress.

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Sleep schedule by age Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:51:00 +0000  1、 Newborn: 17-20 hours

For newborn babies born 1-2 weeks, the required sleep time is about 17-20 hours (including daytime sleep), the depth of sleep at this time will affect the development of neonatal maturity, need a lot of sleep. Besides, the newborn’s sleep, about half of the time in the dream.

2、 Children aged 1-6 months: 14-17 hours

Newborn from the beginning because just from the mother’s amniotic fluid environment from the original almost all sleep state, began to slowly enter the stage of waking time increase.

3、 Children aged 6 months to 3 years: 13 to 14 hours

At this stage, children begin to form a circadian clock. Although there are still many episodes of sleep during the day, the awake time has gradually increased, and the sleep hours have been reduced to 13-14 hours. It is suggested that parents should help their children to stay awake for about 2 hours after a nap, and then let them sleep in segments to ensure that they can get enough sleep at night.

4、 Preschool children aged 3-6: about 12 hours

Preschool children have established an obvious circadian clock state, and the total amount of sleep is reduced to about 12 hours. Most of them can keep awake during the day, but because they are still developing, they usually have a nap during the day.

5、 6-12 years old primary school: 9-11 hours

When they reach the age of the primary school, the total amount of sleep in a day is about 9-11 hours. It is normal for some children to feel tired and sleepy after taking a nap at noon or concentrating on class for a long time.

6、 Adolescents aged 13-18: 8-10 hours

Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep a day, and their sleep pattern is close to that of adults. However, because they are still in the stage of development and growth, parents are reminded not to let their children stay up late to study at this stage.

7、 Adults aged 18-64: 7-9 hours

Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep, which can be adjusted according to their physical condition. However, according to the survey, the average sleep time of adults is less than 8 hours, which is related to overtime work or night leisure. It is suggested that it is best not to stay up late. On the one hand, it is better not to be depressed during the day. On the other hand, it is harmful to the human body by staying up all night. It takes several days of supplementary sleep to recover, which is easy to accelerate aging.

8、 People over 65 years old: 6-8 hours

Entering the stage of over 65 years old, the metabolism of the body decreases, making the state of sleep become. During the day, because of mental fatigue, the number of naps becomes more, and at night, because it is unable to maintain a long sleep cycle, it causes less sleep. If you exercise during the day, it can help you sleep for a long time at night. And the total sleep hours become 6-8 hours, usually 20% of the night sleep time in the dream.

Sleep schedule of different age groups, how long does the human body need to sleep a day?

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Remedy for the pain of frequent drug recall Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:57:00 +0000 Core tip: making mistakes is a risk that human beings can’t avoid. The key is to come up with remedial methods. Some of such remedies are relatively easy, while others are heavy.

Making mistakes is a risk that human beings can’t avoid. The key is to come up with remedies. Some of these remedies are relatively easy, while others are heavy.

A few days ago, it was reported that the British GlaxoSmithKline’s best-selling diabetes drug Avandia (commonly known as rosiglitazone) has stopped its promotion in China due to the risk of cardiovascular disease. After exposing the risk of cardiovascular disease, the United States has strictly restricted its use, which can only be used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes that can not be controlled by other drugs; the European Union has suspended the listing of the drug.

Coincidentally, Abbott Corp., a maker of the slimming drug, has agreed to withdraw it from the U.S. market after clinical trials showed it could increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on the 8th.

It can be seen from the recall events of Johnson & Johnson that with the increasingly extensive clinical practice and in-depth research, some potential safety risks of drugs will gradually come to the surface. As pharmaceutical enterprises, they must always maintain the awareness of safety prevention and crisis management.

As a domestic pharmaceutical enterprise, in addition to thinking more about its own product brand and product quality, it should also have a clear understanding of the changes in the market structure after this series of events. For example, in the face of the changes of Avandia, what kind of market baptism will the domestic rosiglitazone imitation enterprises represented by Hengrui pharmaceutical, Taiji group, Haizheng pharmaceutical, Zhejiang Wanma face; and what kind of opportunities will the Japanese Takeda pharmaceutical’s ACTO (pioglitazone), as the main competitor of Avandia, face internationally. As early as 2007, when Avandia was first investigated, Takeda did a round of advertising promotion for ACTO in 60 American newspapers to promote the sales of its products.

In September this year, the price of VC dropped sharply from 75 yuan per kilogram in January to 37 yuan per kilogram at present. This makes Northeast Pharmaceutical and other major domestic VC manufacturers began to stop production and price protection.

VC prices go up and down like a roller coaster. The reason is that the industry has fallen into a strange circle of price increase – production expansion – price reduction – price increase again. Overcapacity is the main reason for the current round of price decline. This is also the punishment of the market for the blind expansion of VC production capacity in the industry.

The author thinks that to make the VC industry develop healthily, we should strengthen the industry management, adjust the industrial structure and prevent blind capacity expansion. In fact, in January this year, the national development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of information technology, carried out an investigation on the VC industry and classified it into the ranks of industry surplus. Recently, the national development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said that it will formulate industry access standards by the end of this year, and approve and construct new VC projects with domestic and foreign investment according to the standards, which is very beneficial to the standardization and development of the industry.

October 11 is the 19th World Mental Health Day. According to the data released by the mental health center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention in early 2009, there are more than 100 million mental patients in China. This really makes me feel scared. Regardless of whether these data are true or not, one thing is clear: mental illness is doing more and more harm to people’s health.

However, it is a pity that many mental patients do not receive long-term and systematic treatment due to poverty. Even in economically developed cities like Guangzhou, there is still a gap in medical reimbursement for mental illness. According to reports, the treatment cost of severe mental illness is relatively high, but at present only one kind of mental illness in Guangzhou is schizophrenia, which is included in the reimbursement scope of chronic disease outpatient of medical insurance. If hospitalized, the reimbursement amount is only 100 yuan per person per day. For severe schizophrenic patients, to take the electric shock and other treatment means, a cost of more than 2000 yuan, they get the amount of medical insurance reimbursement, is obviously a drop in the bucket. The author suggests that for mental illness, the reimbursement amount of medical insurance should be gradually increased.

Besides, the state should enact relevant laws as soon as possible, so that mental health work has laws to follow. Among them, we should not only give clear regulations on the control and treatment of some serious mental diseases but also give clear norms on how the hospital defines and receives patients sent to the hospital by their families, which not only standardizes the treatment of mental diseases but also reduces legal disputes.

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What method can insomnia have after holiday promote sleep? Mon, 18 Jan 2021 14:02:00 +0000 1、 Do the opposite: tell yourself I don’t want to sleep when I can’t sleep

This move is from psychology. It uses the concept of ambivalent intention. It is to tell myself that I don’t want to go to sleep to keep awake when I can’t sleep. It may help me to fall asleep. Psychologists point out that sometimes the reason for our insomnia is that we think we should go to sleep, but how can we not sleep? It is because we try to make ourselves sleep too much and form pressure.

Have you ever had an experience that you have a report to hand in the next day, but the completion rate is only half? When you need to drive all night to finish the report, you will feel that you are in a bad condition and want to sleep, or you will have an exam the next day. When you want to stay up late to study, you will find that you want to sleep after reading a page. This is the concept of ambivalent intention, so when you can’t sleep When I’m awake, I feel that I can’t sleep. If I need to wake up, I may help to sleep. But the premise is that I don’t need to slide my mobile phone to keep myself awake!

What method can insomnia have after the holiday promote sleep?

2、 Let the body cool down and expose one foot outside the quilt

Why is it always good to sleep in the cold winter? Because when the human body is at high temperature, the sympathetic nerve is operating, and people’s alertness and attention are relatively high. On the contrary, when the parasympathetic nerve is operating, people will relax. Therefore, sleep should be started, and it is a good way to cool the body. As long as the body temperature is slightly lowered by about 1 to 2 degrees, the brain can turn into sleep. Try to expose one foot outside the quilt. When exposed to cold air, other parts of the body will also receive the message to cool down. Instead, they will enter the parasympathetic operation stage that makes the body sleep. The principle of exposing the feet is that there is no sweat hair on the soles of the feet and palms to help keep warm. Besides, it is the junction of the arteries and veins of the body, that is, the heat sink of the body. Therefore, when the soles of the feet are exposed to cold air, the temperature of the blood in the blood vessels will drop, and then through circulation, the temperature of each place will drop.

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How to improve immunity in sub-health state Fri, 15 Jan 2021 14:28:00 +0000 Core tips: no matter what causes or manifestations of sub-health, the most important and essential thing is the low autoimmune function of the human body. Improving the autoimmune function can keep away from sub-health.

No matter what cause of sub-health, no matter what kind of performance of sub-health, the most important, the most essential is the body’s autoimmune function is low, improve the autoimmune function, you can stay away from sub-health.

So, how to improve their own immunity? It can be concluded as follows:

Comprehensive, balanced, and appropriate nutrition

Vitamin A can promote the synthesis of glycoprotein. Glycoprotein is the main protein on the surface of the cell membrane, and immunoglobulin is also glycoprotein. Nowadays, urban people do not want to eat pig liver, it is rich in vitamins, vitamin A intake is insufficient, respiratory epithelial cells lack resistance, often prone to disease.

When vitamin C is deficient, the content of vitamin C in white blood cells is reduced, the combat effectiveness of white blood cells is weakened, and the human body is prone to disease.

In addition, trace elements such as zinc, selenium, vitamin B1, B2, and other elements are related to human non-specific immune function. Therefore, in addition to achieving a balanced amount of three meals a day, we can also supplement jinsherkang multi-dimensional element tablets.

Moderate work and rest

Moderate work and rest is the mother of health, the normal operation of the body’s biological clock is the guarantee of health, and the “wrong point” of the biological clock is the beginning of sub-health.

take regular exercise

Modern people are keen on urban life, busy with their career, and less and less time for physical exercise. Strengthening self-movement can improve the body’s resistance to disease.

Cultivate multiple interests and keep energetic

A wide range of interests will benefit people, not only can cultivate self-cultivation but also can assist in the treatment of some mental diseases.

Smoking cessation and alcohol restriction

Medicine has proved that when smoking, the human blood vessels are prone to spasm, the blood supply of local organs is reduced, the supply of nutrients and oxygen is reduced, especially the respiratory mucosa is not provided with oxygen and nutrients, so the disease resistance is also reduced. Less alcohol is good for health. Excessive drinking, drunkenness, and alcoholism will reduce the immune function of the human body and must be strictly restricted.

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What reason is lip dry crack skin? Tue, 12 Jan 2021 14:54:00 +0000  One will cause dry lips behavior

Often do not consciously lick the lips: want to use saliva to wet the lips, such action will accelerate the evaporation of the water in the lips, also can let the lip corneous layer that has the function of retaining water is dissolved by the enzyme in the saliva so that the lips are drier.

Excessive friction lip: be like to use toilet paper, paper towel, handkerchief to wipe the movement such as labial ministry, because the lip does not have sebaceous gland distribution, moisten without grease. So when it comes to wiping your lips, use a tap instead of a wipe to remove dirt on your lips.

Brush your teeth and brush your lips at the same time: Some people use this technique to exfoliate dead skin, which can actually cause damage to the surface of the skin and make your lips drier.

Have the habit of smoking: because the nicotine will let the blood vessel constrict, make the blood circulation is poor, plus at the same time will inhale too much carbon monoxide, make the red blood cells in the blood lose the ability to carry oxygen, in this case of insufficient oxygen will let vitamin C be destroyed, it is easy to produce pigmentation, lips dry situation.

Have the habit of wiping lipstick: residual lipstick is easy to cause dry and chapped lips, and in recent years, lipstick is stressed waterproof, do not take off makeup, also said that the more difficult to remove, so there is no lipstick clean, will let the residual chemical composition on the lips to hurt the lip cells, let the lips become dry and cracked.

Use the wrong lip balm: Cool lip balm ingredients can contain menthol or camphor formulations, both of which can cause inflammation or dryness.

Lack of moisture: dry, dead skin on the lips or corners of the mouth is dry lips due to lack of moisture.

Lack of vitamin B2 inside the body: if the mouth begins to dry and crack, and the mouth has white secretion, or inflammation ulcer situation, is the lack of vitamin B2 in the body can help repair the tissue wound.

What reason is lip dry chapped skin, what method can improve lip dry chapped?

Two, this can improve dry lips

1. It is recommended to apply an unscented, tasteless formulation of lip balm or petroleum jelly 3-4 times a day for a better moisturizing effect.

2. Don’t tear dry, chapped lips with your hands, as this can tear your lips, causing pain, bleeding, or even infection.

3. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, and pay attention to the supplement of water to increase the moisture retention of the skin.

4. If the chronic lip is caused by a dry crack, need to supplement vitamin B6, B12 and nicotinic acid, and other foods.

Avoid eating hot, spicy, and other stimulating food.

6. Do not smoke and insolation, so as not to increase the severity of chapped lips.

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