Biden’s “Energy Revolution”: The first day in office was very busy, including returning to the Paris Agreement

e US Democratic presidential candidate Biden team released the “Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Plan”, which contains the following 9 items:

1)The administrative actions taken by the government on the first day of office not only need to reverse all the damage caused by Trump, but also go further and faster. Actions will be taken to require new and existing oil and gas businesses to strictly limit methane pollution; to establish strict new fuel economy standards; to permanently protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and prohibit new oil and gas on public lands and waters. Natural gas lease.

2) Pass legislation in the first year of the president’s presidency to achieve net zero emissions across the US economy by 2050, and legislate to require polluters to bear the full cost of carbon pollution they emit.

3) Mobilize the world to take urgent and additional actions. The government will rejoin the Paris climate agreement on the first day of taking office, and hold a climate world summit in the first 100 days of taking office to directly contact the leaders of the world’s major greenhouse gas emitters and make more ambitious national commitments.

4) Make historic investments in clean energy and innovation, and invest US$400 billion in clean energy and innovation within 10 years. Calculated in today’s dollars, this investment is twice that of the Apollo moon landing plan. Establish a new research institute focused on accelerating climate technology.

5) Accelerate the application of clean technology in the US economy and reduce the carbon footprint of US building stocks by 50% by 2035; deploy more than 500,000 new public charging stations by the end of 2030. Moreover, it will ensure that the US agricultural sector is the first in the world to achieve net zero emissions.

6) The impact of climate change (and inaction on climate change) on health, economy, and overall quality of life is much more severe for communities of color, tribal lands, and low-income communities. Promote the involvement of federal agencies in community work to address environmental injustices that affect communities of color, low-income communities, and indigenous communities.

7) Hold polluters accountable. The government’s first day in office will require listed companies to disclose climate-related financial risks, as well as greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and supply chains. Committed to legislation in the first year of the government, requiring polluters to bear the full cost of their climate pollution.

8) To create 10 million high-paying, middle-class, and union jobs, American workers should build American infrastructure and manufacture all materials to benefit workers in various industries.

9) Fulfill the obligations to the communities and workers who risk their lives to produce fossil fuels, stand with the communities and workers affected by changes in the energy market, and ensure that the welfare of miners is not deprived.

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