Remedy for the pain of frequent drug recall

Core tip: making mistakes is a risk that human beings can’t avoid. The key is to come up with remedial methods. Some of such remedies are relatively easy, while others are heavy.

Making mistakes is a risk that human beings can’t avoid. The key is to come up with remedies. Some of these remedies are relatively easy, while others are heavy.

A few days ago, it was reported that the British GlaxoSmithKline’s best-selling diabetes drug Avandia (commonly known as rosiglitazone) has stopped its promotion in China due to the risk of cardiovascular disease. After exposing the risk of cardiovascular disease, the United States has strictly restricted its use, which can only be used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes that can not be controlled by other drugs; the European Union has suspended the listing of the drug.

Coincidentally, Abbott Corp., a maker of the slimming drug, has agreed to withdraw it from the U.S. market after clinical trials showed it could increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on the 8th.

It can be seen from the recall events of Johnson & Johnson that with the increasingly extensive clinical practice and in-depth research, some potential safety risks of drugs will gradually come to the surface. As pharmaceutical enterprises, they must always maintain the awareness of safety prevention and crisis management.

As a domestic pharmaceutical enterprise, in addition to thinking more about its own product brand and product quality, it should also have a clear understanding of the changes in the market structure after this series of events. For example, in the face of the changes of Avandia, what kind of market baptism will the domestic rosiglitazone imitation enterprises represented by Hengrui pharmaceutical, Taiji group, Haizheng pharmaceutical, Zhejiang Wanma face; and what kind of opportunities will the Japanese Takeda pharmaceutical’s ACTO (pioglitazone), as the main competitor of Avandia, face internationally. As early as 2007, when Avandia was first investigated, Takeda did a round of advertising promotion for ACTO in 60 American newspapers to promote the sales of its products.

In September this year, the price of VC dropped sharply from 75 yuan per kilogram in January to 37 yuan per kilogram at present. This makes Northeast Pharmaceutical and other major domestic VC manufacturers began to stop production and price protection.

VC prices go up and down like a roller coaster. The reason is that the industry has fallen into a strange circle of price increase – production expansion – price reduction – price increase again. Overcapacity is the main reason for the current round of price decline. This is also the punishment of the market for the blind expansion of VC production capacity in the industry.

The author thinks that to make the VC industry develop healthily, we should strengthen the industry management, adjust the industrial structure and prevent blind capacity expansion. In fact, in January this year, the national development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of information technology, carried out an investigation on the VC industry and classified it into the ranks of industry surplus. Recently, the national development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said that it will formulate industry access standards by the end of this year, and approve and construct new VC projects with domestic and foreign investment according to the standards, which is very beneficial to the standardization and development of the industry.

October 11 is the 19th World Mental Health Day. According to the data released by the mental health center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention in early 2009, there are more than 100 million mental patients in China. This really makes me feel scared. Regardless of whether these data are true or not, one thing is clear: mental illness is doing more and more harm to people’s health.

However, it is a pity that many mental patients do not receive long-term and systematic treatment due to poverty. Even in economically developed cities like Guangzhou, there is still a gap in medical reimbursement for mental illness. According to reports, the treatment cost of severe mental illness is relatively high, but at present only one kind of mental illness in Guangzhou is schizophrenia, which is included in the reimbursement scope of chronic disease outpatient of medical insurance. If hospitalized, the reimbursement amount is only 100 yuan per person per day. For severe schizophrenic patients, to take the electric shock and other treatment means, a cost of more than 2000 yuan, they get the amount of medical insurance reimbursement, is obviously a drop in the bucket. The author suggests that for mental illness, the reimbursement amount of medical insurance should be gradually increased.

Besides, the state should enact relevant laws as soon as possible, so that mental health work has laws to follow. Among them, we should not only give clear regulations on the control and treatment of some serious mental diseases but also give clear norms on how the hospital defines and receives patients sent to the hospital by their families, which not only standardizes the treatment of mental diseases but also reduces legal disputes.

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